Life Insurance Questions & Answers

By insurancefaq

Q: Did the crocodile hunter have life insurance?
No, but he had MONEY in the bank which is better than life insurance. His job type would be classified as K, the highest risk job and therefore would not be insurable.

Q: Difference between health and life insurance?
Health insurance covers medical stuff - like doctor visits, medicines, ER visits, etc. Life insurance is a policy paid to a person you choose (spouse, child, parent, friend) when you die to cover expenses such as funeral costs, debts, etc.

Q: Difference between natural life insurance and genaral insurance?
The important difference between Life and General Insurance is contained by what each covers. Life Insurance replaces the human duration value of a character. That is, it replaces what a person would own earned, or contributed to a firm or kinfolk, had they lived. General Insurance replaces the efficacy...

Q: Disability insurance percentage of income covered?
my long term disability income insurance policy is set at 60% of my salary covering through age 65 I also have a short term policy that covers me until that 180 days is up and the long term kicks in, does this sound sufficient or should I get an life insurance policy...

Q: Distributions from owner of int. (non-ADR)?
I've just studious that my father had carried a natural life insurance policy and in 2002, Principal duration Ins. sent out a check for Distributions from owner of int. (non-adr).I was told that since I'm the programmed benificary (and only survivor) that it is mine. What is this pay-out? He started the...

Q: Do generous corporations practice age nouns near admiration to retiree condition and existence insurance benefits?
At age 56 I was forced into retirement by diagnosis of cancer. When I reach age 60 the supplemental life insurance premiums I hold paid for years increased by 70%. If that's not age nouns, what is it? You were lucky you...

Q: Do I have the right to cancle a life insurance policy within 3 days after signing it?
Yes, you can cancel your life insurance policy at any time. However, depending on your state laws and the terms of the life insurance policy, you may only get your money back during the first 10 to 30 days. Otherwise,...

Q: Do I hold to live contained by the US to carry natural life insurance? I'm a retired expat living contained by Ghana?
My husband and I are semi-retired and living in Ghana. He have retiree life insurance for himself through his previous employer, but the policy for me is amazingly small. Given that we live out of...

Q: Do I need life insurance? (I am 24 single with nest egg)?
I am starting a new job which offers life insurance. For $30 a month I can get a decent policy. However, I have no one to name as beneficiary - my family has plenty of money and there is enough in my bank account to cover...

Q: Do I really hold to disclose everything for a duration insurance quote?
My wife has a family history of cancer which is cause my life insurance quote to change from lb15 a month to lb50. Do I really stipulation to disclose this info to the companies, or should I not tell them as they would need okay anyway...

Q: Do life span insurance benefits elapse duty free to an estate?
If you own a life insurance policy, or signature either yourself or your estate as beneficiary, the policy release benefit will increase the size of your estate. If you think that you will enjoy a federal-estate-taxable estate (that is, large enough) an insurance policy on your...

Q: Do natural life insurance companies check your medical chronicles after you die?
Let's say that you take life insurance and claim to be a non-smoker. Then let's speak that you start smoking or resume smoking. Assuming that your medical records show that you smoked, will most time insurance companies check your records, see that you smoked, and after...

Q: Do you believe within have existence insurance? If so, do you hold duration insurance?
I have a friend who sell insurance so I wanted to ask you guys... 1.) Do you own life insurance? 2.) If not, why hold you NOT purchased life insurance? 3.) If you HAVE purchased vivacity insurance, what motivated you to purchase life...

Q: Do you hold life span insurance?
Is it important to enjoy life insurance or is it another money making organism based on arousing peoples the creeps...

Q: Do you know anyone who is over 100 years old and still has a life insurance policy?
If so, how much do they have? no, all life insurance comapnies have policies that are paid up at age 100 at the maximum. hence, when the insured reaches age 100, the policy "matures" and gets paid out at the face...

Q: Do you know life and investment insurance?
i know life insurance, but there's no such thing as an investment insurance. there is life insurance that contains investments in it and these are called variable life or universal life insurance. They are the same as the cash value in whole life, except that you can pick mutual funds...

Q: Do you pay taxes on a Life Insurance payout?
my father died and my mother will be seeing her tax person. Will she be paying taxes on the money she collected from my dads life insurance? In the US, life insurance proceeds (the death benefit you mother will collect) is income tax free. The one exception is life...

Q: Do you regard What ALICO Insurance CO.positive plan (life insurrance, medical,kids university hoard is moral?
Life insurance is NOT primarily a savings vehicle. You should not look at it for solely the stash feature. If you do not have need of life insurance and simply have need of to save money, later I recommend you have your...

Q: Do you ruminate Life Insurance Policy essential?
Fool is, as his name suggests, a fool. Your best bet is to consult a financial planner within your area. Do not nose-dive prey to a life insurance salesman pushing the 7-10 times your stipend approach to determining your needs. An appropriate method is to own your advisor complete a...

Q: Do you trust ancestors who put natural life insurance on others freshly since a divorce?
I know a couple of society who get it right along beside the divorce. Recommended by the attorney as expected. How would you be aware of if your spouse did this? What would be an suitable pretext for doing such a item? An...

Q: Does a will trump a account benificary on a duration insureance policy?
If I list one creature as a benificary on my life insurance but enjoy someone else in my will which holds decriminalized power? Also, does a will have to be drawn up by an attorney or can I simply write out my financial wishes and...

Q: Does anyone have any pointers on selling life insurance or any other life license related products?
Training & Skills: You have to get into a good training program with a reputable company in order to really get the inside track on insurance sales. I would even venture to say that you should try to position yourself with...

Q: Does anyone know a angelic vivacity insurance policy?
I have be shopping around for life insurance that will not cost crazy premiums, anyone hold good experiences. I am within my 30's and in accurate health. try LIC adjectives life insurance surrounded by world are generally best surrounded by india they are also polular in the unharmed world...

Q: Does anyone know anything going on for long residence natural life insurance?
The kind that you can take money out when you are elder and is like a retirement fund? What kind are the best? Go to Yahoo Finance, click on "Personal Finance" and read the box on life insurance.

Q: Does anyone know how to grasp a beneficiary from a natural life insurance policy that be departed to me?
This policy or policies were kept from me by my other sibilings. And is at hand a national office which I can check for my benefits that be left by my parents, at no cost, for free etc....

Q: Does anyone know if mutable vivacity insurance is a devout investment tool?
Investing with any energy insurance policies are always never a appropriate idea. You ask any natural life insurance agent, not a single one of them own such policy. Majority owns term and invest the difference. A client of my own unreliable life insurance. What he...

Q: Does anyone know of an insurance company that offer natural life insurance to ex-felons on parol?
Husband needs life span insurance, having problems finding a company that will insure someone who is still on parol Most natural life insurance applications do ask whether the applicant has be convicted of a felony within olden times 7-10 years. So...

Q: Does anyone know of any popular natural life insurance companies within CANADA?
I am looking for a nice life insurance plan and don't know where on earth to start. I'm in canada and am wondering if here are any good ones out near. There is Manulife, AIG.and all Canadian Banks submit insurance as well. Also, Sun Life, Royal Assurance...

Q: Does anyone know who bought out Protective Home Circle Insurance Company?
I am looking for an insurance company known as Protective Home Circle from the 50's my father have a life insurance policy next to them. I am having trouble locating this company. Thanks for your facilitate. You've got two fully clad bets (I searched two databases...

Q: Does anyone work for a big go insurance company?
I had a send for from a life insurance company asking me if I be my former husbands wife at the time of his death. which by the instrument was 6 and 1/2 years ago. any bearing they asked me a few questions and told me that because...

Q: Does applying for, starting, canceling, and re-applying for a go insurance policy hurt one's "rating"?
I feel that I be mislead by a life insurance salesman, and would similar to to cancel the policy and re-apply near someone else. I am hesitant to do this, however, because of the concern that this goings-on will somehow hurt my...